Mentors run the weekly sessions and provide one to one mentoring to our students. They are friendly, accessible, Islamically educated, and well acquainted with the dangers faced by Muslim youth today.

Shams Adduha Muhammad
Director & lead mentor
Shaykh Shams is the founder and director of Mawarid Lifestyle. The YMP is his brainchild to which he brings his 20 years experience of teaching and mentoring young people and serving as an Imam and educator in the Muslim community. Shaykh Shams mentors some cohorts of the YMP and runs the programme.

Ymp Mentor
Ustadha Saleha is a shari’ah graduate from Ebrahim College where she completed her studies as a mature student. She has worked as a shari’ah council advisor and a chaplain and teaches young people at Ebrahim College and Q-iman. Along with mentoring YMP cohorts, she is an important role model mentor for our girls.
£600 per annum payable in 2 instalments as follows:
First instalment:
£400 before start date. Places cannot be confirmed without payment of fees.
Second instalment:
£200 by 1st of Feb
Notes and terms:
- We do not have the resources to chase up fees. You must ensure that fees are paid on time. Due to time lost chasing fees, we’ve reduced the instalments to two. We must have your co-operation in this.
- The first instalment is completely non-refundable after enrolment is closed. At that stage, we cannot replace students who drop out. Subsequent instalments may be compassionately refunded if a student drops out due to exceptional and extenuating circumstances
Other expenses:
Books and resources must be paid for by students/guardians.
If circumstances permit some activities such as special events, trips or retreats to be organised, parents would have to pay for them additionally. We will keep everyone updated on plans.
Sibling discount: £100 per sibling.