How to Protect Our Iman in Today’s Climate - LIVE
Yrs +
Course Content
What is our faith in Islam based on?
How is Islam’s claim to truth proven?
How is knowledge preserved in Islam?
How do we know Muhammad (saw) is the true Prophet of Allah?
What causes people to doubt Islam and how do we face these doubts?
Is religion rational or not?
What is Islam’s answer to evolution, the problem of evil, and other causes of doubt?
How can we learn about our faith in a way that protects us from the questions that challenge it and cause doubt in our minds? How can we learn to talk about Iman in a way that protects our children in the same way?
Many Muslims do not know what the challenging questions are – let alone their answers. This is not acceptable in this day and age. This negligence can be the reason why, Allah forbid it, we allow doubts to creep in to our minds or our children develop doubts because we do not know how to talk to them about Iman and Islam.
According to a survey in the US, 23 percent of born Muslims have left Islam, the majority have become atheist. That means, on average, almost every family is affected. We simply don’t know it because the majority of ex-Muslims leave their faith in secret. There are no good reasons to assume things are any different here in the UK. A statistic like that should concern us deeply.
Are these people leaving or doubting because Islam is a weak religion with no proof and no answers? Or is it simply that they do not know their religion and do not know how to source the answers, or were never taught their faith in a way that made them more resilient to the intellectual, social, and psychological challenges that are bombarding faith communities in this day and age? This course aims to show the foundational proofs of Iman and answer these questions for you inshaAllah.
- Generally every Muslim today should carefully study the contents of this course.
- Muslims who want to understand how Islam works, the whys and the nuts and bolts of our claim to truth; and become informed, confident and resilient believers
- Muslims who have doubts about Islam or religion.
- Anyone who has left Islam but still sincerely seeks truth.
Early Bird Discount
£10 Early bird discount if you register by 27th Dec
If you cannot afford it
We would like to help you if you cannot afford to study. So, if you can pay, pay. If not, email and tell us your situation. We will try to help you inshaAllah. All we ask is that you should be willing to pay whatever you can afford.
Mode of Delivery
Live online course with:
- presentations
- additional reading.
- Recordings of every session,
- Continuous access to the teacher on Telegram
- Anyone who cannot attend the live iteration is welcome to study the on demand version.
Starts: Tuesday 11th Jan
6-9pm for 6 weeks
Topics Covered
What is the Islamic method for evaluating knowledge and claims to truth? This topic is about Islamic epistemology or theory of knowledge.
A discussion around mortality and how it affects the human reality and in contrast a discussion about the Divine and how the two things come together to compel billions of people to adopt or remain in faith.
How Islamic history and the Prophet combine to make a compelling case for truth of Islam.
A rational discussion about the principles that govern how and why we believe in Islam. Why are Muslims so categoric and resistant to change while other faiths are changing beyond recognition?
A discussion regarding some of the other articles of faith such as belief in Tawheed (Allah’s oneness), the hereafter, and in Qadar (predestiny).
How spirituality is a metaphysical force for faith and for many Muslims, it is the most compelling proof.
What are the main causes of doubt and confusion in the minds of Muslims and how do we tackle them? Science, evolution, various philosophies, shifting of political power, and the new global order.

Brief Teacher Bio
Shaykh Shams Adduha Muhammad
Shaykh Shams Adduha Muhammad is a co-founder and the former director of Ebrahim College (EC), an Islamic seminary in East London that trains Muslim faith leaders of the future.
Shaykh Shams has led EC to become a leading contemporary Muslim seminary and one of the largest adult Islamic education providers in the UK. After 17 years at EC, he left to focus on consulting and grass root work. He set up Mawarid Lifestyle (ML).
Shaykh Shams is himself an Islamic seminary graduate and has an MA in Islamic studies from the university of London. He has also worked as an Imam, a teacher and deputy head of an independent Islamic school, and a translator of classical Islamic works.
Shaykh Shams is particularly interested in contextualising traditional Islamic studies for British Muslims and faith leaders. Currently, he teaches courses at Mawarid Lifestyle, mentors young people on ML’s Youth Mentoring Programme, and counsels people who are struggling with doubts in their iman. All of his current work can be accessed at
Stay in touch, join shaykh Shams and the Mawarid Lifestyle community on Telegram: click here