How can we learn about our faith in a way that protects us from the questions that challenge it and cause doubt in our minds? How can we learn to talk about faith in a way that protects our children in the same way?

Not knowing what the challenging questions are – let alone their answers – is not the solution in this day and age.

According to a survey in the US, 23 percent of born Muslims have left Islam, the majority have become atheist. A statistic like that should make us panic. But we seem completely unphased. But 23% is almost 1 in 4. That means, on average, almost every family is affected. We simply don’t know it because the majority of ex-Muslims leave their faith in secret.

Are these people leaving because Islam is a weak religion that does not have the answers to the questions that have caused doubts in their minds? Or is it simply that they do not know the answer, do not know how to source the answers, and were never taught their faith in a way that made them more resilient to the intellectual, social, and psychological challenges that are bombarding faith communities in this day and age.

This course aims to rectify this problem.



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