In these unprecedented times of hardship, turn to Allah by preparing well for a mubarak Ramadhan: learn it, plan it, live it.

15 hours recorded content and live Q&A
Additional reading and resources
Personal development planning and mentoring throughout Ramadhan
Course Introduction from Shaykh Shams
When blessed days arrive, Allah’s pious servants take preparation each and every time it comes around. Every Ramadhan, every Laylatul Qadr, every Hajj, every Umrah, every Ashura and so on.
They read the books again, make the plans again, reshuffle their schedules again, and review habits again. This is then repeated every year.
For around 15 years, my Ramadhan has been dominated by fundraising and community stuff with little time left for worship. This Ramadhan is the first time in over a decade that I can look forward to a Ramadhan in which I can focus on my personal ibadah. The corona virus crisis has further heightened this desire as Ramadhan will be during the peak of its spread. I intend to plan, and be disciplined throughout the month and be more productive than ever before.
As a teacher and mentor of many students, I decided to take others along with me. So I came up with this course. It will help you achieve complete readiness for Ramadhan with the added benefit of anticipating the distractions of modern life, and journeying through Ramadhan with a group of like-minded peers under the guidance of a teacher and mentor, so that we can share the ups and downs with others, and get a pick me up from a mentor when we suffer a dip.
In a nutshell, the idea here is to share my productive Ramadhan with others by mentoring them through their own personalised version of it, making this Ramdhan very unique for me as well as anyone who joins me.
Course Features
- Online, on-demand course with live Q&A, and mentoring sessions with Shaykh Shams Adduha.
- Practical explanation of the rules of fasting, Zakah amd i’tikaf.
- Learn the most important duas and adhkar for Ramadhan.
- The lifestyle sunnah of Ramadhan: the Prophet’s habits and routines and how to implement them in your life no matter how busy you are.
- Habits of the pious during Ramadhan
- Ramadhan productivity planning with a host of tools.
- Exclusive daily reminders leading up to Ramadhan and throughout Ramadhan to keep you focused on having a productive Ramadhan.
- Group chat and peer motivation. Go through the journey together.
- One to one mentoring if you need extra help.
Who is This Course For?
Ramadhan Lifestyle Course has been prepared with adults in mind who have always wanted to have a productive Ramadhan but have always struggled to achieve it due to distractions and lack of guidance and company. The Sahaba radiyallahu anhum who prepared six months in advance. Unfortunately, modern life in the West can throw our life into disarray. Anyone can do the course. We have designed it to prepare you beforehand and support each other during Ramadhan for us busy Muslims.
Dates and Schedule
First set of sessions will go live Monday 13th April. After that, sessions will be uploaded every 2 days.
There are no prerequisites other than your commitment and openness to developing new habits.
Learning Outcomes
Topics and features | Outcomes – participants on this course will: |
A proper Ramadhan: Rules of fasting, Zakah, i’tikaf and Eid . Approx. 5-6 hours of recorded content with additional resources such as slides and reading. | Learn how to avoid mistakes due to an ignorance of simple rules like what is obligatory in fasting, what is forbidden during fasting, what is not forbidden, what breaks the fast and what does not. Understand the purpose of Zakah, how to calculate, who to give it to, and who not to give it to. Understand how to make the most out of the last 10 days of Ramadhan with i’tikaf, following its rules and etiquettes. Understand the purpose of Eid, its etiquettes and the rules of sadaqatul fitr. Note: The fiqh (rules) will be mainly according to the Hanafi school |
The secrets of piety and worship: the purpose of Ramadhan. Approx. 5 hours of recorded content with additional resources such as slides and reading. | Understand the true meaning of worship and piety in its various forms. Understand the virtues of Ramadhan and fasting. Understand the deeper meanings of salah and what to do to make salah mindful and meaningful. Remembrance of Allah, its purpose, and how best to perform it. Learn a short collection of the most important words of dhikr (remembrance) for Ramadhan and beyond, and how to build a habit of dhikr that is second nature. |
Habits of Ramadhan. Approx. 2 hours of recorded content with additional resources such as slides and reading. | Study the habits of the Prophet (alayhis salam), the sahabah, and habits of the pious servants of Allah during the month of Ramadhan. Ramadhan health, diet, and work-life-worship balance. |
Planning a successful Ramadhan 1-2 hours of recorded content with additional resources. | Make a clear personalised written plan for Ramadhan based upon the above with work-life balance factored in, so that students can implement it throughout Ramadhan. |
Daily reminders throughout Ramadhan | Stay focused on the plan made before Ramadhan Be reminded of learning before Ramadhan Additional hadiths, verses, and stories of the pious to keep up motivation. |
Peer and one-to-one mentoring | Group motivation through sharing best practises, experiences, successes and struggles. Raise specific personal issues with teacher/mentor so that every obstacle is tackled. |
The above topics and learning objectives may go through small amendment before the course starts.
During these times, we’ve decided to permanently reduce the price from £99 to £79. Anyone who can’t afford that, see below.
£59 (40% discounted) if you enroll by midnight 29th March.
If you cannot afford it:
We understand that in these times of difficulty some people may not be able to afford the course. We have to charge so that this work can continue. Those who can pay should pay. However, if you cannot, please email and we will arrange for you to pay whatever you can afford. Please do not ask to do the course for free, contribute something.
How you will study this course and terms of study
On-demand online course with live Q&A, and group and one to one mentoring: you will view recorded content, complete tasks given, and then attend live Q&A via a virtual classroom. A strictly controlled and focused chat group will be opened for constant contact with teacher, and for group motivation, and problem solving/sharing.
Course recording will be uploaded according to a schedule before Ramadhan, as well as live Q&A sessions.
You will be able to study them in your own time after they have been released. However, you should complete them before the live Q&A or you will not benefit as much.
Completing a personalised written plan for Ramadhan is a requirement on this course.
Registration is only available at
How to Join and Study This Course
- Register and pay at the above link. This will give you your username and password to the learning management system on the Mawarid website. Register and pay before the deadline to enjoy the early bird discount.
- You will be sent a confirmation of your place.
- You will automatically receive access to the course material on the launch date.
- To benefit fully from the course, you should complete all reading in advance. This will ensure you are ready with questions.
If you have any questions, please email